CELEBRANT:  Let us turn to the Father with faith and gratitude, for He never rejects our prayers for His help.

For Pope Francis and bishops across the world, that God’s Spirit of Wisdom will guide their words and actions as they lead us all through these difficult times: we pray to the Lord.  (Pause)
Lord, in your mercy . . . Hear our prayer
For Government ministers and scientific advisers, that God’s Spirit of Truth will help them to discern the best advice to give to the nation in the light of the constantly changing evidence: we pray to the Lord.  (Pause)
Lord, in your mercy . . . Hear our prayer
For all key workers in care homes, hospitals and in the community, that God’s Spirit of Love will empower them to continue to give generously of their care and  their skills, despite the difficulties and dangers they face: we pray to the Lord. (Pause)
Lord, in your mercy . . . Hear our prayer
For all who mourn for beloved victims of the virus, that God’s Spirit of Peace will bring them comfort, strength and hope for the future: we pray to the Lord.  (Pause)
Lord, in your mercy . . . Hear our prayer
For the children of our parish, especially those who were expecting to celebrate their first Holy Communion soon, that God’s Spirit of Holiness and Grace will dwell in them and in their families and sustain them in this time of waiting: we pray to the Lord.  (Pause)
Lord, in your mercy . . . Hear our prayer
For every member of our parish, that, striving to live each day in accordance with Christ’s Commandments of Love, God’s Spirit of Joy will fill their hearts and minds and lead them to praise God for His tremendous deeds and His enduring love: we pray to the Lord.  (Pause)
Lord, in your mercy . . . Hear our prayer
Let us ask Mary to be our model of obedience to the will of the Father: Hail Mary . . .
In silence, let us make our own petitions for those who are sick in mind or body.

(Long pause)

CELEBRANT:  Father, we cry out to You in this time of great distress and uncertainty.
Help us to put all our trust in You, knowing that we make these prayers through your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

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