Author: George
From: Bishop Mark and Canon Michael Gannon (Vicar General)
Dear Parishoners of St Clare’s,
Thank you for your patience over recent weeks while you have been without a resident Priest. We are most grateful to those retired Priests who have supplied for you, and we know you will have made them very welcome.
We are pleased now to be able to tell you that Fr Patrick Breeze will be coming to St Clare’s for the next five months until September, living with you as a Residential Supply Priest and looking after the Sacramental side of the Parish. Fr Patrick was ordained in 2021 and has served at the Cathedral and Our Lady & St John’s Heswall since then. We know you will make him very welcome and assist tim in every way in settling into his new Parish Community with you all. Fr Paul, your Area Dean for Chester and Ellesmere Port, will continue to have administrative oversight of the Parish during this time. Please do not hesitate to direct any questions about these new arragements to him.
Thank you all once again for your kind understanding in these times of change for St Clare’s. All that you do for your parish is deeply appreciated.
Bishop Mark and Canon Mike