Universal Prayer for Second Sunday of Eastertide

Rejoicing in this day made by the Lord, let us make our petitions to the Father with deep faith, constant hope and fervent love.

For the Church led by Pope Francis under the guidance of God’s Spirit, that the people of God will proclaim their faith in the Lord by their generous and loving service to their most vulnerable brothers and sisters: we pray to the Lord.
Hear us, Lord . . . You are our strength and our song.

For world governments, that the present pandemic will lead to a new understanding and recognition that all peoples are united in the one human family in which every person must be valued and supported: we pray to the Lord.
Hear us, Lord . . . You are our strength and our song.

For the victims of the coronavirus, that the dead will receive the inheritance of eternal life in heaven, in all its fullness, and the sick will be strengthened by their sure hope in the truth of God’s promises: we pray to the Lord.
Hear us, Lord . . . You are our strength and our song.

For all who care for the sick, that their skill, compassion and courage will be richly blessed by the Lord and that they will be supported by our prayers, our self-discipline and our generosity: we pray to the Lord.
Hear us, Lord . . . You are our strength and our song.

For all who face an uncertain future in our weakened economy, that the end of the pandemic will herald a time of renewed employment, financial stability and a redistribution of the wealth of our nation: we pray to the Lord.
Hear us, Lord . . . You are our strength and our song.

For all our parishioners that we, the Church, despite our forced isolation, will continue to be a praying community, giving glory to the Risen Lord and placing all our hope in Him: we pray to the Lord.
Hear us, Lord . . . You are our strength and our song.

Let us ask the help of Mary, Comforter of the Afflicted and Queen of Peace: Hail Mary . . .

Let us make our own particular petitions for those who have asked for our prayers.

Father Almighty, hear our prayers and empower us with your love to be the community You want us to be, the Church Christ formed us to be, and the family the Spirit inspires us to be. We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Wednesday Prayer – 15th April 2020

Psalm 99

Cry out with joy to the Lord, all the earth.
Serve the Lord with gladness. Come before him, singing for joy.
Know that he, the Lord, is God.
He made us, we belong to him,
we are his people, the sheep of his flock.
Go within his gates giving thanks.
Enter his courts with songs of praise.
Give thanks to him and bless his name.
Indeed, how good is the Lord, eternal his merciful love.
He is faithful from age to age.

Litany of Praise

We bless your holy name!

Scripture Reading: John 14:23-27

Jesus said: Anyone who loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we shall come to him and make a home in him. Anyone who does not love me does not keep my words. And the word that you hear is not my own: it is the word of the Father who sent me. I have said these things while still with you; but the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of all I have said to you. Peace I bequeath to you, my own peace I give you, a peace which the world cannot give, this is my gift to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.
The Gospel of the Lord.

Reflection: (Pope Francis – The Joy of Discipleship)

The joy of the Gospel is not just any joy. It consists in knowing one is welcomed and loved by God. God is the One who comes to save us and who seeks to help, especially those who are fearful of heart. His coming among us strengthens us, makes us steadfast, gives us courage, makes the desert rejoice and blossom – that is, when our lives become arid. And when do our lives become arid? When they lack the water of God’s Word and his Spirit of love. However great our limitations and dismay, we are not allowed to be sluggish and vacillating when faced with difficulty and our own weakness. On the contrary, we are invited to strengthen the weak hands, to make firm the feeble knees, to be strong and to fear not, because our God always shows us the greatness of his mercy.
He gives us the strength to go forward. Thanks to his help, we can always begin again. Why? Because he is waiting for you, he is close to you, he loves you, he is merciful, he forgives you. And we are able to open our eyes again, to overcome sadness and mourning to strike up a new song. And this true joy remains even amid trial, even amid suffering, for it is not a superficial joy; it permeates the depths of the person who entrusts himself to the Lord and confides in him.
No one has ever heard of a sad saint with a mournful face. This is unheard of. It would be a contradiction. The Christian’s heart is filled with peace because he knows how to place his joy in the Lord even when going through the difficult moments in life. To have faith does not mean to never have difficult moments but to have the strength to face those moments, knowing that we are not alone. And this is the peace that God gives to his children.


Lord, in your mercy . . . Hear our prayer

Closing Prayer

You are the King of Glory. You are the Prince of Peace.
You are the Lord of heaven and earth.
You’re the Son of righteousness.
Angels bow down before you, worship and adore,
for you have the words of eternal life, you are Jesus Christ the Lord. Hosanna to the Son of David. Hosanna to the King of Kings. Glory in the highest heavens for Jesus the Messiah reigns!

Universal Prayer for Easter Sunday

On this Day made by the Lord, when Christ our Redeemer rose triumphant from the grave, let us make our petitions to the Father with joy and gladness in our hearts.

Let us pray for Christians throughout the world; despite the present anxieties, may we all be strengthened in our faith and renewed in our mission to spread the Good News of the Resurrection to the ends of the earth.

Lord of Life . . . Hear our prayer

Let us pray for all those who hoped to have been baptized or received into full communion with the Church this Easter; may the Lord uplift them in their disappointment and sustain them in their faith.

Lord of Life . . . Hear our prayer

Let us pray for world governments; may they co-operate in their efforts to contain and to overcome the present pandemic and learn to work with mutual trust to restore the physical and economic health of all peoples.

Lord of Life . . . Hear our prayer

Let us pray for the countless victims of the coronavirus receiving treatment in hospitals and at home; may the Risen Lord be their strength, their hope and their trust.

Lord of Life . . . Hear our prayer

Let us pray for all who are involved in the care of the sick – doctors, nurses, scientists, paramedics and carers; may the Lord reward them for their generous and selfless service and protect them as they work.

Lord of Life . . . Hear our prayer

Let us pray for all who have died; may they now share the glory of the Risen Lord in the company of all the angels and saints and may those who mourn be comforted by the sure hope of the welcome their loved ones will receive.

Lord of Life . . . Hear our prayer

Let us pray for every member of our parish community; may we show our faith in the truth of God’s promises by the loving care and consideration we show to all our brothers and sisters.

Lord of Life . . . Hear our prayer

Let us now turn to Mary, Mother of Christ and Mother of us all: Hail Mary . . .

Let us make our own petitions to the Father.

Father, with love and gratitude in our hearts, we ask you to continue to change our darkness to light, our doubt to faith and our weakness to strength. We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Risen Lord. Amen.