Rejoicing in this day made by the Lord, let us make our petitions to the Father with deep faith, constant hope and fervent love.
For the Church led by Pope Francis under the guidance of God’s Spirit, that the people of God will proclaim their faith in the Lord by their generous and loving service to their most vulnerable brothers and sisters: we pray to the Lord.
Hear us, Lord . . . You are our strength and our song.
For world governments, that the present pandemic will lead to a new understanding and recognition that all peoples are united in the one human family in which every person must be valued and supported: we pray to the Lord.
Hear us, Lord . . . You are our strength and our song.
For the victims of the coronavirus, that the dead will receive the inheritance of eternal life in heaven, in all its fullness, and the sick will be strengthened by their sure hope in the truth of God’s promises: we pray to the Lord.
Hear us, Lord . . . You are our strength and our song.
For all who care for the sick, that their skill, compassion and courage will be richly blessed by the Lord and that they will be supported by our prayers, our self-discipline and our generosity: we pray to the Lord.
Hear us, Lord . . . You are our strength and our song.
For all who face an uncertain future in our weakened economy, that the end of the pandemic will herald a time of renewed employment, financial stability and a redistribution of the wealth of our nation: we pray to the Lord.
Hear us, Lord . . . You are our strength and our song.
For all our parishioners that we, the Church, despite our forced isolation, will continue to be a praying community, giving glory to the Risen Lord and placing all our hope in Him: we pray to the Lord.
Hear us, Lord . . . You are our strength and our song.
Let us ask the help of Mary, Comforter of the Afflicted and Queen of Peace: Hail Mary . . .
Let us make our own particular petitions for those who have asked for our prayers.
Father Almighty, hear our prayers and empower us with your love to be the community You want us to be, the Church Christ formed us to be, and the family the Spirit inspires us to be. We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.